The military often uses abbreviations, or acronyms, as shorthand for longer terms. If a service member you care about is recovering from an injury or illness and you’re involved in the recovery process, you are likely to encounter many new acronyms. Here are the meanings of common acronyms you may hear or see, especially in a military medical setting:
Terms related to injuries and treatment
MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation (often by helicopter)
MTF, MMTF: Military Treatment Facility or Military Medical Treatment Facility, for example:
- LRMC: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (Landstuhl, Germany)
- NMCSD: Naval Medical Center San Diego, “Balboa” (San Diego, California)
- BAMC: Brooke Army Medical Center (Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas)
- WRNMMC: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Bethesda, Maryland)
OT: Occupational Therapy
PT: Physical Therapy
SI: Seriously Injured; NSI: Not Seriously Injured; VSI: Very Seriously Injured
SPECAT: Special Category (of injury)
WIA: Wounded in Action
Medical conditions
COS: Combat/Operational Stress
PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
SCI: Spinal Cord Injury
TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
Service-branch programs
AW2: Army Wounded Warrior Program (formerly called DS3)
WWR: Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment
AFW2: Air Force Wounded Warrior Program (formerly known as Air Force Palace HART)
Terms related to Medical Review Boards
COAD: Continuation on Active Duty
COAR: Continuing on Active Reserve
DES: Disability Evaluation System
EPTE: Existed Prior to Entry
HAO: Home Awaiting Orders
MEB: Medical Evaluation Board
MOS: Military Occupational Specialty
PEB: Physical Evaluation Board
PEBLO: Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer
PDRL: Permanent Disability Retirement List
PLD: Permanent Limited Duty
TDRL: Temporary Disability Retirement List
VASRD: Veterans Administration Schedule for Ratings Disabilities
Other terms
CAC: Casualty Assistance Center
CAO, CACO, CNO: Casualty Assistance Officer, Casualty Assistance Call Officer, Casualty Notification Officer
CDR: Commander
CONUS: Continental United States; OCONUS: Outside the Continental United States
DFAS: Defense Finance Accounting Service
DoD: Department of Defense
FRG: Family Readiness Group
FMLA: Family and Medical Leave Act
ITOs: Invitational Travel Orders
MLO: Marine Liaison Office
NMA: Non-Medical Attendant
NOK: Next of Kin; PNOK: Primary Next of Kin; SNOK: Secondary Next of Kin
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom
SSN: Social Security Number
TSGLI: Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance
VA: Department of Veterans Affairs
VBA: Veterans Benefit Administration
VSO: Veteran Service Officer